It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s dlevy! 5 Tips for Better Live-Tweeting

Originally published on It’s delightful, it’s delicious, it’s dlevy!

Those of us who love Twitter are, by this point, used to answering the questions of the uninitiated who don’t understand the point of 140-character microblogging. When I am called to Twitter’s defense, I always find myself waxing rhapsodic about live-tweeting, the phenomenon of participants in an event sharing the highlights with their followers who can’t be there in person.

When done right, live-tweeting can extend the reach of conferences, lectures, and other collective experiences. But when handled poorly, all it does is clog up your followers’ feeds and aggravate those you’re trying to help. So I’ve compiled a list of best practices I’ve seen to help us all be better live-tweeters.  Continue reading In a Love Triangle with Art & Religion: My Name is Asher Lev at the Lyric Stage Company

Originally published on

When someone inherits more than one tradition, how can he make them mesh? For many contemporary Jews, this question may arise when parents come from different faiths or different Jewish streams. For the title character of My Name is Asher Lev, the challenge arises when a Hasidic boy turns out to be an artistic prodigy. Religious Jews aren’t meant for the arts, we’re told. To paint requires breaking all manner of mitzvot (religious laws), from the second commandment (you know, the one about graven images) to the rules of modesty and honoring one’s parents. Those last two are particularly troublesome for Asher, whose artistic impulse leads him to paint nudes and eventually crucifixion scenes featuring his parents. To use director Scott Edmiston’s art-world metaphor, Asher must figure out in which frame he will live his life.  Continue reading